I have been persuaded for some time now, to write on this. I strongly
believe someone out there needs to hear this.
One thing about being successful in warfare is
adopting the right strategy; that a strategy brought success yesterday is not a
guarantee that it will bring success today. Modifications are necessary to meet
contemporary challenges.
It is no longer news, that there
is a serious battle, going on between light and darkness. Though we wrestle not
against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), our authority in Christ suffices to
give us victory. Unfortunately the church is distracted: worldliness has crept
in; and young people are the worst hit.
Young people are the future of the familes, societies, nations and most especially the church. To
care less about them is to care less about the future. The future we desire, we
must fight today to preserve. We can’t allow the devil ruin great dreams and
destinies resident in our young generation. Christian parents and the church
must brace up for this battle- the battle for the young. The battle for the
young demands understanding of young people their peculiarity and preferences. The
truth is that most young people in the church are aware of this battle over
their lives; but seems helpless in the face of it; even having given their lives
to Christ. They continue to constitute the majority of people that churn out
for altar calls, constantly rededicating their lives to God. Many would have
easily triumphed with the right assistance, guidance and discipleship; but for
the busy schedule of parents, elders and the church today.
I appreciate
efforts being made by many ministries in this regard; while we call for more
committed hands, because of dearth of sincere and committed hands, passionate
about rescuing young lives from the devil. We need to fight like people who are
determined not to lose. The kingdom of darkness daily devise strategies, to secretly
keep young people in bondage; while still in the church: the indirect war
strategy. Today, the devil is gradually enslaving the next generation without
much being done by the church. It is unfortunate, how most parents think they
know their children; but would be surprised to find out that a lot has changed
about them, without their knowledge. Most young people deceive their Christian
parents, only a few actually manifest their true colour. They still carry out
every religious activity they learnt from childhood, recite the bible, lead
worship and praises, and speak in other tongues, while they are far from having
a working relationship with God: Sinking deeper in immorality, without their parents’
knowledge. Some only get to know when that beautiful and spiritual daughter; is
put in family way or the handsome youngman becomes a drug addict.
This brings me to the crux of the
matter, without prejudice to the need for intensive prayers and teaching of the
word of God to the young; we must start adopting the right strategies in this
warfare, from the earliest time possible. We must start making concerted
effort while evolving well articulated, calculated and pragmatic steps to
assist the next generation. While we pray and teach young people the word of
God, we should equally devise high-tech counter response mechanisms to
adequately resist the manipulations of the devil. Unfortunately, in this 21st century;
parents, the church amongst others continue to deploy ancient strategies, which
worked in the time past, when parents had enough time to guide their children
rightly, when the society still upheld morality and justice, when teachers
were passionate about raising disciplined and morally upright individuals, when
schools were established not primarily for profit purposes but to nurture from where
the parents stopped, when internet facilities were not available. Social media,
phones and electronic gadgets were not ubiquitous; iniquity was not at its peak,
and there were clear dichotomy between good and evil. But today, the devil has
successfully penetrated every facet of human existence.
Hence we must be true ambassadors of Christ. In the same manner men involuntary encounter the works of darkness daily, they should be made to encounter christ and works of light in their daily affairs. As the light of the world: believers
and the church at large, should start spreading their tentacles beyond the
church, extending it, to every relevant sectors of our world. Dominating as
much as we can; with creatively designed Christ base and youths sensitive programmes,
institutions amongst others. Top on my list, of areas we must dominate; if
asked to recommend is Educational, Entertainment, Media and broadcasting. With understanding,
passion and commitment we can do it. The Bible is clear on this; the gates of
hell shall not prevail against the church
(Matthew 16:18) we must consciously and continuously modify our strategy to
withstand the advancements in the enemy’s camp.
Finally, it behooves on every
young person out there, to understand the trick of the devil; brace up for the
peculiarity of our time: and fight! (1 Timothy 6:12)
Ekwemeze Chimeremeze Francis
Beautifully Written. Any reader will no doubt get the message, just as I have. God bless you sir. Thank you
you are welcome